Saturday, April 16, 2011

That Phinn...

ok -
way too much information
I know
but I had to
as Phinn proudly found himself the bottle of
Fanny Wrapper's
(the best lingerie shop in SLO)
brand of KY Jelly
and decided
to chew it up
Why is this funny? I know you are asking....

I guess it is because one of my favorite blogs is about


written by

a gal with

three young kids

Her youngest is Fin.

He found the KY Jelly
decided to
spike his hair
with it
and ultimately won the best
crazy hair
at Awanas....
I guess the Fin and Phinn thing got me....
not so funny

The next few blogs will be about
our hunt for the
best fish tacos
in SLO county

(If you do want a fun read
please click on to

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